Netherfield Lane, Stanstead Abbotts

Archaeological Dig Update

In June 2022, we sponsored an archaeological dig at Netherfield Lane, Stanstead Abbotts, Hertfordshire. Several test pits were dug by Wardell Armstrong who supervised many local volunteers looking for historical artefacts. Also, it was great to see a large number of school children got involved and were excited to see the project in action.

Dig Update Event

We invite you to meet the team, view some of the finds from the dig and see images of the day at a drop-in event coming soon:

Red Lion Public House, Tuesday 14th March 2023
Drop in between 2pm – 9pm

The project 

The project was brought about during a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan when we were challenged to do more than a desk-based study!

The opportunity

The archaeological test pitting has primarily been commissioned to provide an opportunity for the local community to learn about the history and archaeology of Stanstead Abbotts and hopefully further develop the archaeological record and improve understanding of local land use and occupation throughout the past.

Thank you

Thank you again to all who volunteered, the Local Parish Council and Neighbourhood  Plan committee for their help in organising, and Wardell Armstrong for their expertise.

Photos from the Dig, June 2022

About the site 

The site is in Stanstead Abbotts on the corner of Netherfield Road and Roydon Road. 

“More land released from the Green Belt does not mean more homes.”